
国务院政策严控新增产能!磷化工行业格局优化、下游需求刚性 景气度能否提升?

The State Council's policy strictly controls new production capacity! Can the phosphorous chemical industry pattern be optimized and the rigid boom in downstream demand increased?

Breakings ·  Jun 2 02:22
Xiao Li, a phosphate fertilizer analyst at Zhuochuang News, told the reporter that at present, the concentration of production capacity of ammonium phosphate and yellow phosphorus in China continues to increase, but the current situation where supply exceeds demand in the market still exists. The current supply capacity can meet downstream demand, so strict control of production capacity has an average impact on yellow phosphorus and ammonium phosphate. Li Lingxin, a monoammonium phosphate analyst at Longzhong News, told reporters that the current “Action Plan” has more influence on long-term expectations.

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