

Deoxidization can improve the quality of large-scale graphene production

Breakings ·  Jun 1 01:37
Graphene is known as the “miracle material of the 21st century.” Since its discovery in 2004, this single-layer carbon atom material has been highly regarded for its many unique properties. However, currently mass-produced graphene has one drawback: it is not of high quality. Now, a joint research team from Columbia University in the US and the University of Montreal in Canada has developed a new method to purify graphene using the anaerobic chemical vapor deposition (OF-CVD) method to produce high-quality graphene on a large scale. The relevant paper was published in “Nature” on the 29th. The study showed how trace oxygen affects the growth rate of graphene and determined for the first time a link between oxygen and graphene quality. Experiments have shown that in order to use chemical vapor deposition (CVD) to synthesize high-quality graphene, oxygen removal during growth is the key. This discovery may be a milestone towards large-scale production of graphene.

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