
远程股份:拟向控股股东苏新投资发行不超9161.49万股 募资不超2.95亿元

Remote shares: It is planned to issue no more than 91.614,900 shares to the controlling shareholder Su Xin Investment to raise no more than 295 million yuan

Breakings ·  May 31 22:33
According to the remote share announcement, the company plans to issue no more than 91.614,900 A-shares to specific targets, and the total capital raised will not exceed RMB 295 million (including capital), all of which will be subscribed by Su Xin Investment, the controlling shareholder of the company. On the same day, it was announced that Yang Luhua, the company's director, deputy general manager and secretary of the board of directors, plans to increase his holdings of the company within 6 months from June 23, 2024, with an increase of not less than RMB 3 million.

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