
光大证券6月A股及港股策略:政策暖风频吹 积极做多市场

Everbright Securities' June A-share and Hong Kong Stock Strategy: Policy Warmth Blows Frequently, Actively Expanding the Market

Breakings ·  May 31 07:41
Everbright Securities released a research report saying that the A-share market is expected to fluctuate upward. Since May, weak fundamentals have caused the overall market to fluctuate, and real estate is one of the drag items of weak economic fundamentals. The introduction of favorable real estate policies this time is conducive to promoting the high-quality development of the real estate market, boosting market confidence, and promoting a recovery in market sentiment. The A-share market is expected to continue its strong performance. In terms of Hong Kong stocks, the bank pointed out that if the effects of the policy become apparent in the future, Hong Kong stocks are expected to rise further. With the recent “combo punch” of domestic real estate policies, real estate sales are expected to be boosted, and signs of marginal improvement in domestic economic fundamentals are expected to continue. However, there is still uncertainty about overseas factors in the second quarter, including fluctuations in US interest rate cut expectations and the US election, which will disrupt the trend of Hong Kong stocks to a certain extent. The continued rise in Hong Kong stocks requires further favorable policy incentives or verification of improvements in domestic economic data.

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