

Huaxi Securities: Light industry overseas companies are expected to continue to seize overseas market share

Breakings ·  May 30 09:49
According to the Huaxi Securities Research Report, China's light industry overseas enterprises are expected to continue to seize overseas market share with their integrated global industrial chain layout, perfect supply chain, efficient organization and management capabilities, mature production technology, stable and strong channel power, and high-quality customer resources. At the same time, they benefit from some export policy dividends. As export demand gradually recovers, overseas inventory removal and companies actively explore their own brands and new customers, the export business growth of leading light industry exporters can be expected in the future. I am optimistic about companies with good downstream demand and strong bargaining power in the export industry chain. Recommended attention: Zhi Ou Technology, Co-Creation Lawn, Jianlin Home Furnishing, etc.

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