
全球最大、国内首批纯电动海船签约投建 宁波远洋持续强化船队规模和航线布局

The world's largest and the first batch of domestic pure electric seafarers signed a contract to build Ningbo Ocean to continue to strengthen its fleet size and route layout

Breakings ·  May 29 12:19
On May 29, news from Ningbo Ocean said that on May 24, the company formally signed a contract with Jiangxi Jiangxin Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. to build 2 740TEU standard tank pure electric open-top container ships. The signing of this construction contract means that the world's largest and first batch of domestic pure electric seafarers will be born in Ningbo Ocean. According to reports, the 740 TEU pure electric open container ship involved in this construction contract is 127.8 meters long, 21.6 meters wide, and has a total number of 742 TEUs.

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