
房地产板块震荡反弹 南国置业涨停

The real estate sector shook and rebounded, and southern real estate rose and stopped

Breakings ·  May 29 09:43
The real estate sector fluctuated and rebounded, and Nanguo Real Estate rose and stopped, while Shirong Zhaoye, Debi Group, Daming City, Zhongtian Service, and Nanshan Holdings quickly followed suit. According to the news, Guangzhou adjusted and optimized differentiated housing credit policies, adjusted the minimum down payment ratio for the first home to no less than 15%, abolished the lower interest rate limit, and encouraged large-scale rental agencies to buy existing commercial housing. Furthermore, Shenzhen has optimized its real estate regulation policy. The minimum down payment ratio for personal housing loans for the first and second housing units has been reduced by 10 percentage points to 20% or 30%, and the lower interest rate limits for commercial personal housing loans for the first and second housing units have been adjusted to LPR-45BP and LPR-5BP.

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