
增资1亿元 又见外资公募加码中国市场

The capital increase of 100 million yuan also saw foreign public funding increase the Chinese market

Breakings ·  May 28 10:22
On May 28, Lianbo Fund issued an announcement stating that following the decision of the shareholder Lianbo Hong Kong Co., Ltd., the registered capital of Lianbo Fund was increased from 200 million yuan to 300 million yuan. The company is wholly-owned by Lianbo Hong Kong Limited. After this increase in registered capital, the shareholders' shareholding ratio remained unchanged. Since this year, many wholly foreign-owned public offerings have continued to increase the Chinese market. In March, the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System showed that Lubomai Fund increased its registered capital from 300 million yuan to 420 million yuan, a capital increase of 40%; in February, Fidelity Fund increased its registered capital from the previous 130 million US dollars to 160 million US dollars, an increase of more than 23%; in the second half of 2023, the registered capital of BlackRock Fund increased from 700 million yuan to 1 billion yuan. (CCS Taurus)

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