
半导体板块持续回升 宝丽迪、扬帆新材20CM涨停

The semiconductor sector continues to pick up, Polaroid and Yangfan New Materials rose and stopped at 20CM

Breakings ·  May 27 13:13
The semiconductor sector continued to pick up in the afternoon, leading in the direction of equipment and materials. Polaroid and Yangfan New Materials rose and stopped 20CM, Jingyi Equipment and Nike Equipment rose more than 10%, and multiple stocks such as Huahai Chengke, Tongcheng New Materials, Sirup, and Qiangli New Materials rose more than 5%. According to news, the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase III Co., Ltd. was formally established on May 24, with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan. The third phase of the Big Fund will increase investment in core technology and key components, while also focusing on connecting and integrating with advanced international technology.

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