
浙商证券:虚拟拍摄与LED电影屏加速渗透 未来成长空间广阔

Zheshang Securities: Virtual shooting and LED movie screens accelerate penetration and broad future growth space

Breakings ·  May 27 08:35
The Zheshang Securities Research Report points out that virtual shooting and LED movie screens are penetrating at an accelerated pace, and there is plenty of room for future growth. Whether it is virtual shooting or a movie screen, LED displays have many advantages over the original solution. Among them, virtual shooting can reduce post-production time and video production costs, and LED movie screens can significantly improve movie viewing effects and help upgrade theaters. Since they create significant value for customers, virtual shooting and LED movie screens have considerable room for development in the future. Although the current market size of virtual shooting and LED movie screens still do not account for a high share of the cinema market, with the continuous advancement and maturity of consumer visual demand, the continuous advancement and maturity of display technology, and the continuous decline in LED screen prices, these emerging application scenarios are rapidly developing and becoming an important incremental market for LED displays, and strong policy support will significantly accelerate the penetration of LED displays in film and television production and cinema screenings, directly prompting more film and television producers and cinemas to use LED displays. In this process, LED screen companies, as providers of display solutions, are expected to fully benefit from the rapid development of emerging application scenarios such as virtual shooting and LED movie screens. It is recommended to pay attention to: Alto Electronics, Riyadh, Zhaochi Co., Ltd.

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