
美国女子状告迪士尼公司 称水滑梯致其坠落昏迷

American woman sues Disney for falling unconscious because of a water slide

Breakings ·  May 26 18:17
According to a report by Fox News on May 25, an American woman recently filed a lawsuit against The Walt Disney Company, claiming that a water slide at its amusement park caused her to fall into a coma, head injury, and bleeding. The 25-year-old woman claims she was seriously injured while riding Disney World's Humunga Kowabunga (Humunga Kowabunga). She fell from a height of almost five stories into the pool at extreme speed in the dark and lost consciousness. After the incident, amusement park staff said lifeguards were temporarily unable to arrive. According to the lawsuit documents, “If the staff immediately arranged life jackets to help visitors seek medical treatment, the plaintiff would not have suffered brain damage.” The woman sought compensation of 50,000 US dollars (approximately RMB 360,000) from The Walt Disney Company. According to Fox News, someone filed a similar lawsuit in September 2013. The two plaintiffs claimed that the speed ladder caused them damage, and that the amusement park did not explain the safety rules for riding this amusement facility. (Global Network)

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