

During the year, 256 annual report inquiry letters “tortured” listed companies in multiple dimensions

Breakings ·  May 25 06:25
As of May 24, the Shanghai and Shenzhen North Stock Exchange has issued 256 annual report inquiries during the year. Of these, the number of inquiries since May has exceeded 212. Dong Zhongyun, chief economist at China Aviation Securities, said that the intensive publication of inquiry letters on the annual reports of listed companies is an important step for the regulatory authorities to strengthen the supervision of listed companies and improve the quality of information disclosure by listed companies. It helps improve the transparency of listed companies' information disclosure, provides investors with more comprehensive and accurate company information, and helps investors identify potentially high-risk companies and avoid losses. At the same time, through strict supervision, listed companies are urged to operate in compliance and lawfully, promote the rational allocation of capital market resources, and promote the long-term healthy development of the market. (Securities Daily)

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