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Cathay Pacific Junan: Expectations for an improvement in supply and demand and the near bottom of prices are optimistic that the PV industry will rise marginally

Breakings ·  May 24 07:26
Guotai Junan Securities released a research report saying that in the future, the photovoltaic industry is expected to enter a positive cycle of steady price increases: prices of silicon materials bottomed out and prices in the entire industry chain bottomed out. Increased demand after industry prices stabilized led to an increase in module production schedules, and lower inventory levels are expected to drive price increases and further increase in industrial chain production schedules. Currently, the photovoltaic industry is already at the bottom of expectations. The fundamentals of the industry are expected to rise marginally as supply and demand improves expectations and the price bottom of the industrial chain stabilizes. Recommendation: 1) High quality auxiliary materials section. 2) Industry chain leader.

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