
五粮液:将着力优化计划配置、调整产品供给 确保八代五粮液控量保价

Wuliangye: Efforts will be made to optimize the plan configuration and adjust product supply to ensure the Eighth Generation Wuliangye volume control and price insurance

Breakings ·  May 23 18:47
Wuliangye held performance briefings for the first quarter of 2023 and 2024. Regarding the market launch strategy of Eighth Generation Wuliangye, Jiang Jia, said that this year the company will focus on optimizing the plan allocation and adjusting product supply. First, the plan structure will be optimized according to market rules, and the planned volume will continue to be skewed towards high-quality marketing regions, new expansion channels, and high-value products; the second is to optimize the pace of delivery, strengthen overall management to ensure accurate plan delivery, and emphasize the overall balance of supply and demand and the dynamic balance of the launch pace. Thus, the results of the Eighth Generation Wuliang Liquid Control and Price Guarantee are guaranteed.

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