

National Energy Administration: Make every effort to promote the construction of three large wind power photovoltaic bases

Breakings ·  May 23 11:09
The National Energy Administration recently held a national renewable energy development and construction scheduling video conference. The meeting called for, first, to make every effort to push forward the construction of three large wind power photovoltaic bases, continue to do a good job of monthly scheduling and weekly monitoring, and push the base project to be completed as soon as possible and put into operation as scheduled. Second, it is necessary to actively promote the high-quality development of new energy sources and give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources; local governments should strengthen industry guidance and guide the orderly development of new energy projects; development enterprises should compete in an orderly manner and develop projects in strict accordance with the law and regulations; and power grid enterprises should increase investment in construction, especially the upgrading and transformation of distribution grids. Third, it is necessary to optimize the market and policy environment for the development of new energy sources, further improve policies and measures relating to institutional mechanism reform and market construction, and strive to mature and introduce one item at a time. Fourth, it is necessary to further liberate minds, change ideas, improve work style, deeply understand the importance of vigorously developing new energy sources in helping achieve dual-carbon goals and ensure energy security, strengthen collaboration and cooperation, fairly assume responsibility for energy transformation, and jointly promote green and low-carbon development.

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