

CITIC Securities: It is expected that the trend of platformization will reshape the security industry

Breakings ·  May 23 08:15
According to the CITIC Securities Research Report, in recent years, the information security industry has continued to be popular, platformization has become an industry trend, and the market value of platform-based security vendors has grown rapidly, accounting for more than 61% of the overall market. Platform construction for security vendors is mainly driven by factors such as severe network environments, cloud computing, MFA trends, and redundant security products. Platform-based construction strategies include hardware function integration, software solution integration, architecture integration, and data integration. It is expected that the trend of platformization will reshape the security industry, and the market will move from fragmentation to concentration. Beneficial vendors include software and hardware integration platform vendors and cloud-native security platform vendors. Comparatively speaking, the market share of vendors that are slowly progressing in platformization will be eroded. In terms of investment strategies, next-generation prevention strategies such as ZNTA and SASE are rapidly penetrating, integrated security platforms occupy resource and technological advantages, and market share will continue to expand. It is recommended to focus on security vendors that are progressing smoothly in platformization, including software and hardware integration vendors, and cloud-native platform vendors.

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