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Fan Hua, head of BlackRock Group in China: The potential of the Chinese market is huge and continues to grow

Breakings ·  May 22 05:29
China's capital market is also very attractive. Fan Hua, head of BlackRock Group in China, said that the Chinese capital market has a wide range of investment targets. From the perspective of global allocation, the Chinese capital market provides opportunities for international capital to diversify risks and increase returns. At the same time, Chinese customers are in high demand for global configurations. In 2020, BlackRock Group established BlackRock Fund, the first wholly foreign-owned public fund in China; in 2021, BlackRock Jianxin Wealth Management, one of the first joint venture financial management companies, was established. “BlackRock Group is always looking for opportunities to expand the Chinese market.” Fan Hua said. He said that the two companies have increased their capital several times since their establishment, and will also make relevant arrangements according to business and product distribution needs in the future. (Shanghai Securities Report)

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