

Suzhou: By 2027, NEV piles will reach 1. 9:1, and NEVs will account for more than 50% of new vehicle sales

Breakings ·  May 21 15:17
According to Suzhou's announcement, recently, the “Suzhou Implementation Plan to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade-In” was officially released and implemented. It is proposed that by 2027, the scale of equipment investment in the fields of industry, construction, transportation, agriculture, science and education, energy, environment, etc. will increase by about 30% compared to 2023. In order to promote equipment renewal and technological transformation in the manufacturing industry, Suzhou proposed implementing a financial interest rate discount policy for manufacturing loans. On the basis of the provincial finance giving 1 percentage point interest rate discount on the purchase and upgrading of equipment related to the manufacturing industry, the study gave Suzhou an additional 1 percentage point interest rate discount. In addition, consumer goods trade-in activities involve fields such as automobiles, electric bicycles, home appliances, and consumer goods. The automobile trade-in proposal will include land used for charging (swapping) electric facilities in the scope of land use for utility business outlets, and encourage construction and operation subsidies for charging (swapping) electric facilities. By 2027, the NEV pile ratio will reach 1. 9:1, and NEVs will account for more than 50% of new vehicle sales.

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