
中国太平引入富杰集团 向太平养老增资10.75亿元

China Taiping introduced Fujie Group to increase Taiping's capital by 1,075 billion yuan

Breakings ·  May 20 17:40
China Taiping announced that Fujie Group plans to increase Taiping's capital by 1,075 billion yuan. After the capital increase is completed, Fujie Group will hold 10% of Taiping Pension's shares. At the same time, according to the shareholders' agreement, Fujie Group also has the right to choose to subscribe or nominate one or more of its law-compliant subsidiaries to subscribe for a certain amount of shares to be issued by Taiping Pension by exercising rights at any time and from time to time, thus increasing the shareholding ratio of Fujie Group and its subsidiaries to a maximum of 24.99%.

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