
融信资本超比例减持爱司凯股份 广东证监局责令其改正

Rongxin Capital overly reduced its holdings of Aiskay shares, and the Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau ordered it to make corrections

Breakings ·  May 20 13:58
The Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau issued a decision ordering corrective measures against Rongxin Capital Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. After investigation, as of December 17, 2023, the Rongxin Capital Excellent No. 1 Private Equity Fund, managed by Rongxin Capital, held 6.53% of Aiskai's shares, and Rongxin Capital's No. 1 Private Equity Fund reduced its holdings of Aiskai by 2.88 million shares through bulk transactions on December 18, 2023. After reducing its holdings, Rongxin Capital Excellent No. 1 Private Equity Fund held 4.53% of Ascay's shares. The company did not stop trading Ascay shares when Rongxin Capital's Excellent No. 1 Private Equity Fund's share ratio fell to 5%, reducing its holdings by an excessive ratio of 0.47%. The above acts violated relevant regulations. It was decided to take administrative supervision measures ordering corrective measures against the company. The company shall carefully learn lessons, actively take measures to eliminate the impact of irregularities, effectively strengthen the study of securities laws and regulations, regulate the reduction of shares held in listed companies, prevent the recurrence of such irregularities, and submit a written rectification report 15 working days from the date of receipt of this decision.

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