
合锻智能:公司不涉及ST风险 目前经营正常

Heduan Intelligence: The company is not involved in ST risk and is currently operating normally

Breakings ·  May 20 13:05
On May 20, the relevant person in charge of Heduan Intelligence (603011) told the Securities Times · e-Company reporter that the company's 2023 annual audit opinion was an unqualified opinion with an emphasis on matters and would not involve ST risk, and that everything is currently operating normally. According to reports, the matters highlighted in the Heduan Intelligent Audit Opinion mainly relate to the pending lawsuit with FAW Lingyuan. Specifically, the expected 137 million yuan commercial acceptance bill endorsed by FAW Lingyuan in 2022 was not paid. Currently, separate lawsuits have been filed against FAW Lingyuan, the bill acceptor, and the guarantor, and the relevant amounts have been fully charged for bad debts. The person in charge mentioned above said that if the aforementioned amount can be recovered, performance will increase in the future; if not, performance will not decrease.

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