
两部门调整购房首付比例后 首套、二套房首付比例均降至历史最低

After both departments adjusted the down payment ratio for home purchases, the down payment ratio for the first and second home fell to the lowest in history

Breakings ·  May 17 14:12
The central bank issued a notice today. For households that use loans to purchase commercial housing, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for the first housing unit will be adjusted to not less than 15%, and the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for two housing units will be adjusted to no less than 25%. A number of analysts told reporters that the current down payment ratio policy is the most relaxed down payment policy in the history of mortgage loans. The reduction has set a new historical record. The down payment ratio for the first and second home is the lowest in history. Zhang Dawei, chief analyst at Central Plains Real Estate, believes that in the future, cities such as Beijing will drastically reduce down payment ratios and mortgage interest rates.

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