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There are clear differences between the member countries that NATO wants to push for a long time to support Ukraine

Breakings ·  May 16 23:33
On the 16th, defense ministers of NATO member countries held a meeting in Brussels. The meeting lasted one day. According to the previously announced agenda, member states discussed issues such as the NATO summit to be held in Washington in July this year and support for Ukraine. Since last month, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg has been trying to persuade member states to provide long-term military aid to Ukraine. However, the initial reactions of member countries showed that the differences between countries were very obvious. Hungary, for example, made it clear that it was unwilling to join it. Some analysts pointed out that after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict broke out, European countries blindly followed the US, NATO, and the Arch of Fire War, leaving Europe in a difficult war economy. (CCTV News)

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