

Cansino: Preliminary application of synthetic biology-related technologies to early candidate products in the development pipeline

Breakings ·  May 13 17:56
Some investors asked Cansino. Dear director, could your company design synthetic biology-related technology during vaccine product development and production? In addition, the company said that PBPV is seeking external cooperation from well-known international companies. I would like to ask if there are relevant interested parties and have obtained initial progress. I hope the company can grow as soon as possible, achieve a global strategy, and become an international biomedical giant. On the interactive platform, Cansino said that the respected company's early candidate products initially applied synthetic biology-related technology in the product pipeline, and related developments and advantages will be further evaluated in the future; as a global innovative vaccine, the product's foreign cooperation is also an important part of the company's global strategic layout, so the company is also looking for potential partners around the world, including internationally renowned companies with scientific research strength, resources and capital, hoping to advance the development progress of this product faster. If there is phased progress, it will be shared in a timely manner.

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