

Shanghai Electric and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region deepen win-win cooperation between government and enterprise

Breakings ·  May 12 08:11
On the morning of May 11, Bai Qingyuan, Vice Chairman of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and his entourage visited Shanghai Electric to have an in-depth exchange of views with Liu Ping, Deputy Party Secretary and President of Shanghai Electric Group, on deepening government-enterprise cooperation between Shanghai and Mongolia. Bai Qingyuan said that governments at all levels in Inner Mongolia sincerely welcome Shanghai Electric to continue expanding the scope of business in Mongolia, further deepening and expanding cooperation in fields such as green power consumption, new energy storage, and desertification control, and jointly building a national energy strategy guarantee base. Liu Ping said that Shanghai Electric is very optimistic about the development of Inner Mongolia. He also hopes that the Party Committee and governments at all levels of the autonomous region will give Shanghai Electric stronger support, work together to expand more space for cooperation in various fields such as green and low-carbon energy transformation, energy safety and supply, new power systems, large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases, hydrogen energy storage, etc., to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with enterprises in the autonomous region, promote the implementation and results of more high-quality projects, and better help the energy industry in Inner Mongolia to optimize and upgrade.

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