

Next week, the ban on restricted shares with a market capitalization of 39.979 billion yuan will be lifted in the domestic market. Yahuilong will take the lead by lifting the ban of 7.613 billion yuan

Breakings ·  May 10 22:47
Wind statistics show that next week (May 13 to May 17), a total of 60 companies will lift the ban on restricted shares one after another, totaling 2.85 billion shares. Based on the closing price of May 10, the total market value of the unbanned shares is 39.979 billion yuan. Judging from the unbanned market capitalization, May 13 is the peak period when the ban was lifted. The total market value of 31 companies lifted the ban was 22.325 billion yuan, accounting for 55.84% of the unbanned market value next week. Based on the closing price on May 10, the top three unbanned market capitalization were: Ahuilong (7.613 billion yuan), Bozhong Seiko (7.015 billion yuan), and Maixinlin (2,276 billion yuan). Judging from the number of unbanned individual stocks, the top three shares were: Guohai Securities (352 million shares), Bozhong Precision (349 million shares), and Axilon (300 million shares). Looking at the types of shares that have been unbanned, there are 30 shares restricted by initial shareholders, 10 shares restricted by equity incentives, 7 shares placed by targeted additional institutions, 6 general shares with equity incentives, 3 shares for initial strategic placement, 2 shares for initial strategic placement, 2 shares restricted by initial shareholders, 2 shares restricted by initial strategic placement shares, and 1 other type of shares.

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