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CITIC Construction Investment: The May 1st program is basically in line with expectations, focusing on the summer program

Breakings ·  May 8 08:42
According to the CITIC Construction Investment Securities Research Report, the May 1st edition was basically in line with expectations, and the overall box office and number of movie viewers were average since 2019. The release dates of many movies were temporarily adjusted before the schedule to ease the competitive landscape. Although the head effect was slightly weaker than in previous years, the total box office market share of the top two still exceeded 50%, namely “Peace and Riot Force” produced by Wanda, Jebsen, and Ascend Ticket, and “Spending Money at the End” by Cat Eye and China Film. Looking ahead to the summer program, I am optimistic about the overall box office performance compared to last year's high expectations and high attention reserves. The summer of 2023 was dominated by dark horse movies, and there were more seed contestants this year. Although many movies such as “Sauce Garden Alley”, “The Demon Boy in the Sea” and “Change Your Mind Blooms” have not yet been scheduled, they have been on popular lists many times on platforms such as Weibo and Douyin, and the attention and expectations are high. Therefore, the release of high attention and high expectations of supply is expected to stimulate demand for movie viewers and push the box office and number of movie viewers to remain high.

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