

456 companies were surveyed by institutions

Breakings ·  Apr 30 08:34
According to Databao statistics, in the past 5 trading days (April 23 to April 29), about 456 companies in the two markets were surveyed. The types of research institutions showed that securities companies surveyed a total of 434 companies, that is, 95.18% of listed company research activities involved securities companies; 390 fund companies were surveyed, ranking third; and 311 companies were surveyed by Sunshine Private Equities, ranking third. In the institutional research list, a total of 273 companies were surveyed by more than 20 organizations. Tianfu Communications received the most attention, with 464 organizations participating in the survey; Aimeike was surveyed by 408 organizations, ranking second in the list; Voice Holdings and Lixun Precision were surveyed by 391 and 335 organizations respectively.

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