
外媒:乌国防部情报总局称,乌官方运营部分“机器人账号”遭 Telegram 平台封禁

Foreign media: The General Intelligence Service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine said that some “robot accounts” officially operated by Ukraine were banned on the Telegram platform

Breakings ·  Apr 29 19:11
According to reports from Reuters and “Kyiv Independent”, the General Intelligence Service (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine said on the 28th local time that the administration of the social networking platform Telegram blocked some “robot accounts” operated by Ukraine officially and opposed Russia's military “aggression” against Ukraine on the same day. According to the report, the General Intelligence Service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine issued a statement on the social networking platform Telegram on the 28th saying, “Today, the administration of the Telegram platform unreasonably blocked some official 'bot accounts' that oppose Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, including major intelligence 'bot accounts'.” (Global Network)

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