

Will Shenzhen improve its purchase restriction policy in the near future? The Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau responded like this

Breakings ·  Apr 29 11:26
A few days ago, there was a market rumor that Shenzhen might optimize and adjust the purchase restriction policy at the right time. In response to this market rumor, the reporter verified and sought evidence from relevant departments in Shenzhen. The Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau responded to reporters that Shenzhen will take into account the actual situation in the real estate market, and under the leadership of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee and Municipal Government, make good use of the policy toolbox according to the city's policies to better meet residents' needs for rigid and improved housing and promote the stable and healthy development of our city's real estate market; relevant policy information is subject to the official announcement of the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau. (Financial Services Association)

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