
存储类公司业绩回暖卡位AI升级机遇 后市供需博弈或加剧

The performance of storage companies is picking up, and the supply and demand game may intensify in the future, and the market supply and demand game may intensify

Breakings ·  Apr 25 07:12
As a trend vane for the semiconductor cycle, the storage industry will gradually recover in 2023, and the prices of major storage products stopped falling and rebounding. The performance of A-share listed storage companies confirms this trend. Recent annual reports show that in the fourth quarter of 2023, the net profit of relevant listed companies generally recovered or even increased year-on-year. In the first quarter of 2024, many companies expanded their growth trend, laid out opportunities brought about by artificial intelligence technology upgrades, and accelerated the construction of an autonomous and controllable industrial chain. However, the Securities Times · e Company reporter further discovered that market institutions are generally optimistic about the future market of storage prices, while listed companies remain relatively cautious. They are even concerned that the increase in storage in the early stages has overtaken procurement momentum, and the supply and demand game may become more intense in the future.

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