
联建互助机制落地 新一轮国企改革布局提速

Joint construction and mutual assistance mechanism implemented, new round of state-owned enterprise reform layout accelerated

Breakings ·  Apr 23 06:58
The reporter learned that recently, the State Council's State-owned Assets Administration Commission has issued a “Notice on Establishing Joint Construction Mutual Assistance Mechanisms for Central Enterprise Reform, Deepening and Upgrading Actions” to all central enterprises. Recently, the central enterprise has been divided into 10 groups, and the team leader unit has taken the lead in initiating related work. 2024 is a critical year for implementing reforms, deepening and upgrading actions, and it is also an aggressive year from the beginning. Since the beginning of the year, the list of the first batch of companies to set sail has been determined, the “Artificial Intelligence +” special operation has been launched, and accurate assessments have been deepened... Actions to reform, deepen and upgrade state-owned enterprises have been speeding up the planning process. (Securities Times)

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