

Securities Times: Continue to create a positive macroeconomic policy environment for effective financing needs

Breakings ·  Apr 22 05:39
The causes of capital idling are complex. If it is simply blamed on enterprises chasing arbitrage or banks violating commercial laws and regulatory regulations in order to complete assessment tasks, then it is only a shallow investigation of the causes. In terms of financial policy, it is necessary to encourage more financial resources to flow to areas required for economic transformation under the general premise of guaranteeing the marketization and sustainable commercial operation of financial institutions, and to prevent financial institutions from distorting capital allocation in order to complete so-called assessment tasks. Fiscal policy can also play a more effective role, implement more active and proactive regulation at a time when inflation is low, use more financial resources to improve people's livelihood and social welfare, reduce the worries of residents and enterprises, and urgently plan and implement a new round of fiscal and taxation system reforms to help transform and develop the economy with two wheels of regulation and reform.

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