
一季度全国铁路发送旅客突破10亿人次 多项客运指标创历史最好水平

The number of passengers sent by railways across the country exceeded 1 billion in the first quarter, and many passenger traffic indicators reached the highest level in history

Breakings ·  Apr 16 12:20
We learned from China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., that in the first quarter, railways across the country sent 1,014 million passengers, an average of 11.147 million passengers per day, an increase of 28.5% over the previous year. Transportation was safe and orderly. The head of the passenger transport department of China Railway Group explained that in the first quarter, China Railway Group actively adapted to the situation where China's economy continued to stabilize, moderate and improve, and the movement of people accelerated, and many passenger transport indicators reached the highest level in history.

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