
一季度减持72亿美元黄金ETF 欧美资本错失4月金价飙涨红利

Gold ETF holdings were reduced by 7.2 billion US dollars in the first quarter, and European and American capital missed out on the dividends of the sharp rise in gold prices in April

Breakings ·  Apr 10 13:54
According to the latest data released by the World Gold Council, global gold ETF capital outflows reached 6.5 billion US dollars in the first quarter of this year. Among them, North America (outflow of 4.3 billion US dollars) and Europe (outflow of 2.9 billion US dollars) had the largest capital outflows, while Asian gold ETFs showed large net capital inflows, or inflows of 678 million US dollars. This has caused European and American capital to miss out on the benefits of soaring gold prices since April.

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