

Li Qiang Meets US Treasury Secretary Yellen

Breakings ·  Apr 7 17:15

Premier Li Qiang of the State Council met with US Treasury Secretary Yellen at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the morning of April 7. Li Qiang said that under the strategic guidance of the heads of state of the two countries, Sino-US relations are currently stabilizing. President Xi Jinping spoke with President Biden on the phone not long ago. The two sides agreed to strengthen dialogue, manage differences, promote cooperation, and promote the steady development of Sino-US relations. China hopes that China and the US will be partners rather than rivals, with mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. We hope that the US side and China will move in the opposite direction, continue to implement the important consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, and make the “San Francisco Vision” a “reality.”

Li Qiang pointed out that as the top two economies in the world, the economic interests of China and the US are deeply intertwined, and strengthening economic and trade cooperation is of great significance to both sides' respective development and global economic growth. The two sides should strengthen communication and jointly find ways to manage differences and resolve them, so that Sino-US economic and trade cooperation is stable, smooth, and efficient, create more benefits for enterprises and people of the two countries, and contribute to the development of the world economy and the improvement of people's livelihood. We hope that the US side, along with China, will adhere to the basic market economy principles of fair competition and open cooperation, and not politicize economic and trade issues in general. Production capacity issues should be viewed objectively and dialectically from a market perspective and a global perspective, starting from economic laws. The development of China's new energy industry will make an important contribution to the global green and low-carbon transformation. China is ready to strengthen policy coordination with the US on issues such as climate change and jointly address global challenges.

Yellen said that with the joint efforts of both sides, the relationship between the US and China has become more stable. As the top two economies in the world, the US and China should responsibly manage bilateral economic relations. The US side appreciates the progress made in economic dialogue and cooperation between the US and China, and is willing to work with China to implement the important agreements reached at the San Francisco meeting between the heads of state of the two countries, communicate honestly, avoid misunderstandings, deepen exchanges and cooperation, properly manage differences, jointly address pressing global challenges, and promote the steady development of US-China relations. (Xinhua News Agency)

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