

Tendering for the Hefei Hyperconverged Computing Center Project Begins

Breakings ·  Apr 7 07:28
The reporter recently learned from Anhui Hefei Big Data Asset Operation Co., Ltd., that the company recently launched a tender project for the Hefei Hyperconverged Computing Center. Based on the Hefei Advanced Computing Center's “Chaohu Mingyue” supercomputer, the project deployed 2 superconducting quantum computers and 1 ion trap quantum computer. The project was divided into 3 bids. The winning bidders were Guodian Quantum, Genyuan Quantum, and Guoyi Quantum. As a new computing architecture that mixes quantum computing and classical computing, hyperfusion can collaborate with the two advanced computing advantages to effectively improve the efficiency of solving complex problems by integrating the parallel processing capabilities of quantum computing and the efficient numerical computation capabilities of supercomputers. This new computing architecture can enhance the flexibility and efficiency of algorithms, increase computational speed, optimize resource allocation, and expand the scope of application. (Science and Technology Daily)

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