
中国银行行长刘金:积极担当国有大行责任 当好服务实体经济主力军

Bank of China Governor Liu Jin: Actively assume the responsibility of major state-owned banks and be the main force in serving the real economy

Breakings ·  Apr 2 21:21
Today at the Bank of China's 2023 results conference, Governor Liu Jin said that the Bank of China will actively assume the responsibilities of major state-owned banks and serve as the main force serving the real economy and a ballast stone for maintaining financial stability. The first is to support the construction of a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone. Credit support in these fields will continue to be increased this year in accordance with the requirements of the “Five Major Articles.” The second is to actively support the development of strategic emerging industries and help accelerate the formation of new quality productivity. In-depth study and research on new quality productivity will be strengthened, and requirements for developing new quality productivity will be transformed into concrete actions for financial services to the real economy. Third, it actively supports scientific and technological innovation. Recently, the head office and branches have been complying with regulatory requirements to speed up innovation in technology finance products and serve scientific and technological innovation and the development of the technology industry.

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