
龙年“第一会”花落并购重组 投行招兵买马掘金新业务

The “first meeting” in the Year of the Dragon came to fruition, mergers, acquisitions and restructuring investment banks to recruit troops to buy horses and nuggets new businesses

Breakings ·  Mar 28 07:19
On March 27, the Shanghai Stock Exchange held a review meeting of the M&A and restructuring review committee. This was the first time that the three exchanges lined up after the Spring Festival holiday. On the same day, the M&A and restructuring committee considered the issuance of shares by Haohua Technology (600378) to purchase assets. The project is a merger and acquisition under the same control of a central enterprise, and has been reviewed and approved by the merger, acquisition and restructuring committee of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Since the second half of last year, the Securities Regulatory Commission has frequently voiced support for mergers, acquisitions and restructuring of listed companies, and the M&A market has been active. The Securities Times reporter noticed that some brokerage investment banks are recruiting troops and buying horses to expand the business to explore opportunities upstream and downstream of the industrial chain.

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