

Huibo Yuntong: Currently, Ali and its ecosystem partner business account for a relatively small share of the company's overall business

Breakings ·  Mar 27 21:16
Huibo Yuntong said on an interactive platform on March 27 that Alibaba Group is one of the company's long-term cooperative customers. The company provides marketing visual design, brand strategy, and interactive experience design services for Alibaba International Digital Business Group, Taotian Group, Cloud Intelligence Group, Local Service Group, etc.; at the same time, the company also provides Alibaba with services such as R&D, information review and labeling, and large-scale model labeling. In addition to this, the company also provides technical research and development services and information technology services for Ali's ecological partners, including overseas software product development, insurance and finance-related large-scale model labeling, etc. The specific cooperation projects and contents involve trade secrets. Currently, Ali and its ecosystem partner business account for a relatively small share of the company's overall business, so investors are invited to pay attention to investment risks.

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