
国资委:指导推动中央企业进一步突出价值创造 在提振市场信心、引领行业发展中持续努力

State Assets Administration Commission: Guide and promote central enterprises to further highlight value creation and make continuous efforts to boost market confidence and lead industry development

Breakings ·  Feb 19 10:12
According to the SASAC website, on February 18, the Party Committee of the State Council's State-owned Assets Administration Commission held an expanded meeting. The conference held that state-owned central enterprises should adhere to the general tone of steady progress, resolutely implement the requirements of seeking progress through stability, advance stability, and break first, completely, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, do a solid job in 2024, and give better play to the role of central enterprises in supporting scientific and technological innovation, industrial control, and safety. Coordinate high-quality development and a high level of safety, guide and promote central enterprises to further highlight value creation, optimize the restructuring of state-owned capital, solidly promote high-quality steady growth, and make continuous efforts to boost market confidence and lead industry development, and effectively serve as a stabilizer and ballast stone for the national economy. Fully stimulate the dynamism of enterprise development, continuously optimize resource allocation, improve institutional mechanisms, improve institutional guarantees, accelerate the implementation of various tasks of the state-owned enterprise reform, deepening and upgrading actions, accelerate the construction of new modern state-owned enterprises, and continuously make new contributions to the Chinese-style modernization drive.

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