
三星电子总裁据悉密访鸿海、华邦 外界推测可能扩大AI领域合作

It is reported that the president of Samsung Electronics has secretly visited Hon Hai and Huabang and outsiders speculate that cooperation in the field of AI may expand

Breakings ·  Jan 15 09:06
Sun Yingquan, president of Samsung Electronics and the new chairman of Samsung Semiconductors, met with Liu Yangwei, chairman of Hon Hai, and Jiao Youjun, chairman of Huabang Electronics last week. Recently, Samsung is actively sprinting into high-bandwidth memory (HBM) for AI and expanding AI applications. Outsiders speculate that Sun Yingquan's trip mainly hopes to expand cooperation with Hon Hai and Huabang in the field of AI. (Taiwan Economic Daily)

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