
A股收评:沪指探底回升微跌 AI应用方向全线反弹

A-share review: the Shanghai index rebounded slightly, declined slightly, and rebounded across the board in the direction of AI applications

Breakings ·  Dec 7, 2023 15:03
The general market bottomed out and rebounded throughout the day, and all three indices fell slightly. On the market, AI concept stocks rebounded across the board, with media stocks leading the way; Beijing Culture, Dragon Media, and Cultural Investment Holdings, etc. rose and stopped for more than 10; AIGC concept stocks fluctuated and strengthened; Danghong Technology rose and stopped at 20CM, Lisheng Sports and Netda Software rose and stopped; data elements were active in the afternoon, visual China rose and stopped, and Xinhuanet rose and stopped for a while; CPO concept stocks rose and stopped for a while, Switzerland's Kangda and Wufang Optoelectronics rose and stopped. On the downside, pharmaceutical stocks were collectively adjusted, and the new Novo 20CM fell to a standstill. Overall, individual stocks fell more and rose less last year; more than 3,100 stocks in the entire market fell. The turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets was $820.2 billion today, up $3.2 billion from the previous trading day. In terms of sectors, sectors such as media, data authorization, AIGC, and digital watermarking registered the highest gains, while sectors such as diet medicine, auto parts, innovative drugs, and salt lake lithium extraction registered the highest declines. By the close, the Shanghai Index was down 0.09%, the Shenzhen Index was down 0.14%, and the GEM Index was down 0.25%.

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