
长三角首单保租房REITs获批 国君宽庭保租房REIT获批募集10亿份

The first guaranteed housing REIT in the Yangtze River Delta was approved Guojun Kuanting's guaranteed housing REIT was approved to raise 1 billion shares

Breakings ·  Nov 27, 2023 09:17
The Securities Regulatory Commission announced on November 26 that Guojun Kuanting's rental housing REIT was officially approved on November 24, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange simultaneously issued a letter of no objection. The total amount approved to raise was 1 billion shares. Guojun Kuanting Rental Housing REIT is the first guaranteed housing REIT for enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta region. It is also currently the largest guaranteed housing REIT officially approved in the entire market. Recently, China Construction Bank issued an announcement stating that its guaranteed housing REIT has been officially accepted by the National Development and Reform Commission.

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