
瑞银:投资者视美国银行股为“价值陷阱” 加息结束后将迎来动荡时期

UBS: Investors view Bank of America stocks as a “value trap” and will usher in a period of turbulence after interest rate hikes end

Breakings ·  Nov 23, 2023 11:44

UBS global analysts said that in the eyes of investors, Bank of America stocks are a “value trap”, and they are waiting for more certainty before re-evaluating the industry. UBS warned that the near future will be a period of turbulence as the huge profits brought about by interest rate hikes gradually subside. Potential stricter capital regulations and a surge in expectations of commercial real estate loan defaults will also throw cold water on investors' hopes for the industry. According to UBS, the recession can help the industry press the restart button, eliminate a major disruptive factor, and clear up barriers for investors to re-enter this field; if economic data eases investors' concerns about further interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, pessimistic investors may miss the chance to rebound at the end of last year.

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