
金融监管部门拟扩围房企白名单 可能有50家国有和民营房企会被列入其中

Financial regulators plan to expand the white list of housing enterprises, and 50 state-owned and private housing enterprises may be included

Breakings ·  Nov 20, 2023 22:07

According to some sources, regulators are drafting a white list of Chinese real estate agents. It is possible that 50 state-owned and private housing enterprises will be included. The listed enterprises will receive support from various sources, including credit, debt, and equity financing. This list has expanded the scope of systemically important high-quality housing enterprises since the beginning of this year. A relevant person from a major state-owned bank said that they had heard about drawing up a white list of housing enterprises. “Currently, we are still waiting for the People's Bank of China to draw up the list, but some banks have already begun marketing to key customers.” (Financial Associated Press)

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