
合盛硅业原总经理方红承家属谈纠纷:苛刻条款不会签 我们只要人出来

The family of Fang Hongcheng, the former general manager of Hesheng Silicon Industry, talks about the dispute: strict terms will not be signed, we only need people to come out

Breakings ·  Nov 12, 2023 19:32
After Fang Hongcheng's wife Sun Lichen reported in real name to Luo Liguo, chairman of Hesheng Silicon Industry, Fang Hongcheng's cousin Tong Jianpeng told the Blue Whale reporter this evening, “Originally, Fang Hongcheng and Luo Liguo had agreed not to have any shares before. Although Luo Liguo lost in the equity lawsuit, as a result, he (Luo Liguo) did not agree, and then put forward harsher terms, including that (Fang Hongcheng) pleaded guilty and punished, and all real estate must also be mortgaged to Hesheng. Things made by the industry, including upstream and downstream products. No one can sign this kind of clause. (Signing) is equivalent to ruining a lifetime, which is why it got what it is now. We don't want to do anything against Luo Liguo either; we just need people to come out. For our family, Fang Hongcheng's freedom is paramount.” On the 12th, Sun Lichen reported in real name online that after Luo Liguo lost the equity lawsuit, Fang Hongcheng and Fang Hongxing have been imprisoned until now by changing the company's residence and threatening the relevant departments by moving out of Jiaxing. (Blue Whale Finance)

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