

The latest data from a number of travel platforms has been released: this year may usher in the hottest “11th” in the past five years

Breakings ·  Sep 15, 2023 21:18
According to Red Star News, Ctrip, Where to Go, and Donkey Mama have successively released data related to Mid-Autumn Festival National Day travel. The Ctrip forecast report shows that the “11th” domestic and outbound trips are both very popular. Products such as air tickets, scenic spots, hotels, and group tours have already entered the peak booking period. Popular room types in resorts and influencer homestays in some popular tourist destinations have already been “difficult to find a room”; as of September 15, the number of advance ticket reservations for popular hotels in popular cities in 2019 has increased fivefold over the same period in 2019. 11 in 2023 It may become the “hottest 11” in the past five years.

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