
恒隆集团:2023年上半年营收55.25亿港元 物业租赁收入主要由内地业务带动

Hang Lung Group: With revenue of HK$5,525 billion in the first half of 2023, property rental revenue was mainly driven by mainland business

Breakings ·  Jul 31, 2023 16:19
We learned from the Hang Lung 2023 interim results conference that in the six months ending June 30, 2023, the total revenue of Hang Lung Properties and Hang Lung Group reached HK$5.237 billion and HK$5,525 billion respectively, both down 1% year-on-year. The basic net profit attributable to shareholders of Hang Lung Properties and Hang Lung Group was HK$2,225 billion and HK$1,560 billion respectively. However, property rental revenue increased by 5% and 4%, respectively, to HK$5.237 billion and HK$5,523 billion, respectively. The increase was mainly driven by mainland property portfolios.

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