

Huaxi Securities: The upcoming mid-term report of the textile and garment industry in July is still worth looking forward to

Breakings ·  Jul 10, 2023 08:52
Huaxi Securities's July 10 research report said that the textile and garment industry slowed further in June compared to May under the influence of a high base. We expect the Q3 base to be even higher, but we think the upcoming July interim report is still worth looking forward to. (1) Maintaining the judgment that structured high-end is better than low-end, direct management is better than franchise, and menswear is better than womenswear, the performance of companies that have room to open stores is more certain. Focus on recommending Good Bird and Jinhong Group; (2) The interim report is expected to exceed expectations: recommend Jinhong Group, Societe Generale Technology, Zhejiang Zhengte, and Hailan Home.

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